"Embracing the Light"

I am a photographer, writer and workshop leader based in Yamba, Northern NSW in Australia. Nature and the landscape are my photographic and spiritual home. Alone on a mountaintop or by the raging ocean is where I cast off the shackles of the modern world and find my senses reawaken.

My photography reflects the person that I am and the experiences I have. Rather than chasing drama in over-populated iconic locations, I prefer to take my own path and make my own adventures. Most of my photography is done close to home in locations that captivate me and call me back repeatedly. I do like to adventure and experience new places, but most often this involves solo camping and hiking trips in the many national parks within a few hours drive of my home. I consider myself very blessed to have such a beautiful and disparate landscape close to me. These are the places I find my solace and enjoy photographing most of all.

I prefer to take a more personal approach to my photography. Off the beaten track, many of the quiet locations I visit have been little photographed so I find myself able to explore and photograph them with completely fresh eyes and no expectations. If there's a crowd, you will probably find me heading the opposite direction! 

Rather than the oft quoted 'chasing the light', my approach is better described as 'embracing the light'; it's all about a location and my reaction as I find it at the time of being there. I try to avoid thinking of 'bad light'. There is the light, there is the landscape, and there is my own mood. I hope for my photographs to reflect this combination with an individual style.

You can read about my photography on my blog, where I share my adventures, thoughts on the creative process and tips and photographic education. If you are interested in joining me to help with your own photographic education come and join me on one of my workshops here in Yamba and further afield. Prints of my work are available to buy from my online store

My eBook "The Perfect Shutter" is available to purchase directly from the publisher Craft and Vision here.

If there's any way that I can help you with your photography needs or education please contact me by completing the form below and I'll be in touch. Many thanks!

Publications, Competitions and Exhibitions
